While Abroad
In case of an emergency abroad, contact your local program director or support staff. They'll assist and notify your family and The Study Abroad Office. For emergencies during office hours, call 909.621.8104; after hours, call Campus Safety at 909.607.2000. Email non-urgent matters to staff or studyabroad@3327e.com. Keep contact info updated for prompt communication.
Keep in mind some of the Study Abroad staff may be out the office, but they will get back to you once they receive your email.
Make sure your contact information is current while abroad so that we may reach you in the event of an emergency at home or abroad. Most communication is via email so be sure to check your official school email account before, during and after study abroad. Upload your study abroad contact information updates to your study abroad portal or email studyabroad@3327e.com.
Social Responsibility Requirement While Abroad
Volunteering abroad strengthens cultural engagement and promotes diverse connections/relationships. It can fulfill graduation requirements by having advisors sign forms detailing your involvement. In some programs, like Pitzer in Ecuador, Italy, and the Summer Health Program in Costa Rica, volunteering is combined into core courses, usually meeting social responsibility criteria with a passing grade.
Senior Thesis Research While Abroad
Some students want to develop research projects done abroad into the topic of their senior thesis. If you have become enthusiastic about a particular topic while abroad, contact your faculty adviser about information to gather while you are abroad that will strengthen your thesis.
Voting While Abroad
If you’re studying abroad and will be out of the country on Election Day, you can register for a federal absentee ballot using the process below.
To navigate voting from abroad, we recommend visiting the following sites: Overseas Citizen Voter section of the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), the Overseas Vote Foundation, or another guide dedicated to helping U.S. citizens vote from abroad. The steps below follow the FVAP process.
- Registering to Vote: Choose your state of residence (home state or college state) and register accordingly. Visit NASS to confirm registration details.
- Know State Voting Policies: Get to know your state's voting regulations. Use FVAP's state-specific links for guidance.
- Complete FPCA: The Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) has many functions - registering to vote, requesting an absentee ballot, and updating contact info. Fill it out electronically via FVAP's website, including your voting residence and mailing address.
- Receive and Submit Ballot: You'll receive your absentee ballot about 45 days before Election Day. Follow instructions for electronic or hard copy ballots. Keep in mind the deadlines.
- Contact Officials if Necessary: In case you run into a problem, contact your local election officials, such as the IES Abroad Center and local U.S. Embassy while abroad.
- FWAB as Last Resort: If you haven't received your ballot, use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) as a backup option, available on FVAP's website. FVAP.gov